All are welcome.

Wherever your heart is... we welcome you to our community and sanctuary to find peace and joy in the light of God's love.

Join us for fellowship, prayer and to find a peaceful heart. 

Lenten/Holy Week Information 2025

Stations Of The Cross - Starting March 7 @ 5:30 PM and continuing every Friday until April 18 (Good Friday Stations Of The Cross will start at 7:00 PM)
Knights Of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - Starting March 7 in the Gymnasium and continuing until April 11. Cost is $14 for sit in or takeout - Children 12 and under $7
Lenten Mission - March 24, 25, 26 at 7:00 PM in the church featuring Brother Tom Giumenta
Lenten Penance Service - April 1 at 7:00 PM in the church
Holy Thursday - April 17 at 7:30 PM - Mass Of The Lord’s Supper
Good Friday - April 18 at 3:00 PM - Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday - April 19 at 9:00 AM Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Blessing Of Food - 8:00 PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday - 6:30 AM Sunrise Mass at the beach, 8:00 AM, 10:15 AM and 12:15 PM

Regarding the Sunrise Mass, please park at our church parking lot and walk to the Osceola Lane beach entrance. If you have OLDER PEOPLE THAT CAN’T WALK FAR OR chairs, drop them at the location then go park your car on our property. Please do not park along the road way or walk on the dunes at the BEACH. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION!

Our Catholic Appeal 2025

Our Catholic Appeal (OCA) is an annual opportunity for every member of our faith family to support the life-changing work and ministries of the Diocese of Orlando. Our collective stewardship sustains the gifts of priesthood through Vocations and Clergy Care; forms our permanent deacons to satisfy the hunger of the people; teaches us to pray and sing within God’s liturgy; leads our young people to know and serve God; offers mercy and sustenance to the meek and lowly; sanctifies the dying and buries the dead; keeps us safe as we walk the sacred ground of parishes and missions; and communicates God’s essential Word through all forms of media that all might also hear God’s Word. Your gracious gifts presented before God stretch the roots of God’s love to more than 400,000 Catholics who live within the Diocese of Orlando.

Fr. Val DeVera’s Pilgrimage 2025

Join Father Val for a 12- Day Pilgrimage through Central Europe.


Visit for the complete itinerary and signup information.

Ascension Memorial Candle Wall Installed!

These candles are lighted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in honor of and perpetual prayer for a loved one of yours.

Please contact Charlie in the parish office for more information.

Faith Formation for grades K-7 has begun!

Parents, grandparents, and guardians, we are offering faith formation (formerly known as religious education) according to the parent led model. This means that most of the catechesis will be done within the home, and we will meet once a month from 6-7 pm as a check point where our catechists will go over any additional information with your children and check the work they have been doing. As catechists, we are committed to supporting you, the primary educator of your children. No matter your education, we are here to support you as you grow in your faith and help your child do the same. To register, please complete the packet and return it to the parish office. For more information please contact Cody in the parish office.